Lic Mf Overnight Fund Overview
Category Overnight Fund
Growth Option 21-02-2025
NAV ₹1305.31(R) +0.02% ₹1314.85(D) +0.02%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
Lumpsum Regular 6.55% 6.05% 4.85% -% -%
Direct 6.69% 6.19% 4.99% -% -%
SIP (XIRR) Regular 6.52% 6.44% 5.67% -% -%
Direct 6.65% 6.58% 5.81% -% -%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
-2.59 -0.61 0.6 -% -
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
0.31% 0.0% 0.0% - 0.26%

NAV Date: 21-02-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
LIC MF Overnight Fund-Direct Plan-Weekly IDCW 1019.97
LIC MF Overnight Fund-Direct Plan-Daily IDCW 1054.52
LIC MF Overnight Fund-Regular Plan-Weekly IDCW 1148.23
LIC MF Overnight Fund-Regular Plan-IDCW 1154.13
LIC MF Overnight Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 1305.31
LIC MF Overnight Fund-Direct Plan-IDCW 1314.56
LIC MF Overnight Fund-Direct Plan-Growth 1314.85

Review Date: 21-02-2025

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % 0.53
0.50 | 0.54 24 | 34 Average
3M Return % 1.62
1.55 | 1.66 26 | 34 Average
6M Return % 3.22
3.09 | 3.32 25 | 34 Average
1Y Return % 6.55
6.25 | 6.77 27 | 34 Average
3Y Return % 6.05
5.89 | 128.58 25 | 28 Poor
5Y Return % 4.85
4.74 | 66.22 24 | 27 Poor
1Y SIP Return % 6.52
6.22 | 6.71 26 | 34 Average
3Y SIP Return % 6.44
6.26 | 82.13 25 | 28 Poor
5Y SIP Return % 5.67
5.52 | 83.13 24 | 27 Poor
Semi Deviation 0.26
0.25 | 0.27 3 | 25 Very Good
Sharpe Ratio -2.59
-3.20 | -1.98 23 | 25 Poor
Sterling Ratio 0.60
0.58 | 0.62 22 | 25 Poor
Sortino Ratio -0.61
-0.69 | -0.51 23 | 25 Poor
Return data last Updated On : Feb. 21, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % 0.54 0.54 0.52 | 0.55 12 | 34
3M Return % 1.65 1.64 1.58 | 1.66 8 | 34
6M Return % 3.29 3.28 3.18 | 3.35 12 | 34
1Y Return % 6.69 6.67 6.46 | 6.86 12 | 34
3Y Return % 6.19 10.55 6.00 | 128.74 12 | 28
5Y Return % 4.99 7.25 4.85 | 66.36 13 | 27
1Y SIP Return % 6.65 6.62 6.41 | 6.77 15 | 34
3Y SIP Return % 6.58 9.27 6.36 | 82.27 15 | 28
5Y SIP Return % 5.81 8.66 5.63 | 83.26 13 | 27
Semi Deviation 0.26 0.26 0.25 | 0.27 3 | 25
Sharpe Ratio -2.59 -2.47 -3.20 | -1.98 23 | 25
Sterling Ratio 0.60 0.60 0.58 | 0.62 22 | 25
Sortino Ratio -0.61 -0.59 -0.69 | -0.51 23 | 25
Return data last Updated On : Feb. 21, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Jan. 31, 2025
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

Investment Period Regular Direct
Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000 Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000
1D 0.02 ₹ 10,002.00 0.02 ₹ 10,002.00
1W 0.12 ₹ 10,012.00 0.12 ₹ 10,012.00
1M 0.53 ₹ 10,053.00 0.54 ₹ 10,054.00
3M 1.62 ₹ 10,162.00 1.65 ₹ 10,165.00
6M 3.22 ₹ 10,322.00 3.29 ₹ 10,329.00
1Y 6.55 ₹ 10,655.00 6.69 ₹ 10,669.00
3Y 6.05 ₹ 11,928.00 6.19 ₹ 11,975.00
5Y 4.85 ₹ 12,674.00 4.99 ₹ 12,757.00

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Investment Period Invested Amount Regular Direct
XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount
1Y ₹ 12000 6.52 ₹ 12,421.60 6.65 ₹ 12,430.10
3Y ₹ 36000 6.44 ₹ 39,707.14 6.58 ₹ 39,788.93
5Y ₹ 60000 5.67 ₹ 69,264.60 5.81 ₹ 69,502.62
7Y ₹ 84000
10Y ₹ 120000
15Y ₹ 180000

Date Lic Mf Overnight Fund NAV Regular Growth Lic Mf Overnight Fund NAV Direct Growth
21-02-2025 1305.3103 1314.8537
20-02-2025 1305.0943 1314.6315
19-02-2025 1304.8763 1314.4072
18-02-2025 1304.6576 1314.1823
17-02-2025 1304.4418 1313.9602
14-02-2025 1303.7848 1313.2843
13-02-2025 1303.5651 1313.0583
12-02-2025 1303.3465 1312.8335
11-02-2025 1303.1305 1312.6112
10-02-2025 1302.9131 1312.3876
07-02-2025 1302.2632 1311.719
06-02-2025 1302.0488 1311.4984
05-02-2025 1301.8311 1311.2744
04-02-2025 1301.6135 1311.0505
03-02-2025 1301.3924 1310.8231
31-01-2025 1300.701 1310.1127
30-01-2025 1300.4765 1309.882
29-01-2025 1300.2493 1309.6484
28-01-2025 1300.0241 1309.4169
27-01-2025 1299.7978 1309.1844
24-01-2025 1299.1108 1308.4784
23-01-2025 1298.8822 1308.2435
22-01-2025 1298.6527 1308.0076
21-01-2025 1298.4227 1307.7714

Fund Launch Date: 15/Jul/2019
Fund Category: Overnight Fund
Investment Objective: The investment objective of the Scheme is to provide reasonable returns commensurate with low risk and providing a high level of liquidity, through investments made primarily in overnight securities having maturity/residual maturity of 1 business day. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.
Fund Description: An open-ended debt scheme investing in overnight securities.
Fund Benchmark: NIFTY 1D Rate Index
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.